Building wealth just got easier.

Now, you can begin your investment journey right from your mobile app. Our investment tool will help you create and manage your investments regardless of your experience. Grow your money steadily when you set up recurring investment transfers from your evolve FCU Checking account.

Relax. We do all the work for you.

Build wealth confidently. After answering just a few questions about your goals, we'll create a customized investment plan. Then, your new robo advisor will continuously process and analyze live market data to optimize your portfolio.
Person with a backpack relaxing on a mountain.

Investing made simple.


Automated market intelligence

Customizable portfolio strategy

Set up automated transfers

Investing in the palm of your hand

Affordable investing for everyone

*Non-deposit investment products are not NCUA / NCUSIF or otherwise federally insured, are not guarantees or obligations of evolve Federal Credit Union and may involve investment risk including possible loss of principal. evolve FCU has contracted with Access Softek Advisory Services LLC (“Access Softek”) to make non-deposit investment products available to you. DriveWealth LLC, a SEC registered broker-dealer and member FINRA/SIPC, holds the investment accounts. Investment Advisor Representatives are registered through Access Softek. Investment accounts and securities are not insured by credit union insurance, the NCUA or any other government agency, are not deposits or obligations of evolve Federal Credit Union, are not guaranteed by evolve Federal Credit Union, and are subject to risks, including possible loss of principal.



The minimum initial deposit required is $200.
There is an account management fee of 0.6% per year (or 0.05% per month) of the value of your investments, with a minimum fee of $0.50 per month. Other fees may apply for certain transfer specific services, such as a $0.25 fee for each withdrawal to transfer funds from eZ Investing to an evolve FCU account; a complete list of fees is provided upon account opening.
Log in to mobile banking, navigate to eZ Investing and select 'Get Started.' After answering a series of questions, our investment tool will suggest a diversified portfolio tailored to your goals.
Non-deposit investment products are not NCUA / NCUSIF / FDIC or otherwise federally insured, are not guarantees or obligations of evolve Federal Credit Union and may involve investment risk including possible loss of principal. evolve FCU has contracted with Access Softek Advisory Services LLC (“Access Softek”) to make non-deposit investment products available to you. DriveWealth LLC, a SEC registered broker-dealer and member FINRA/SIPC, holds the investment accounts. Investment Advisor Representatives are registered through Access Softek. Investment accounts and securities are not insured by credit union insurance, the NCUA or any other government agency, are not deposits or obligations of evolve Federal Credit Union, are not guaranteed by evolve Federal Credit Union, and are subject to risks, including possible loss of principal.
You can switch to a different investment portfolio by updating your profile. Go to the Settings page, click 'Update Preferences,' to update your preferred risk tolerance and time horizon to receive a new portfolio recommendation.
Yes, beginning 30 days after opening your account, you can withdraw some or all of your investment funds at any time via 'Transfer & Payment' in your mobile banking app.
Yes, you can open a brokerage account with a joint owner. The joint owner must also be a member at evolve Federal Credit Union.
Your portfolio balance is defined as the total value of your investment account, including securities and cash. Your available balance is the amount of cash you can withdraw. All deposits into the investment account are held for 30 calendar days as part of the broker-dealer's anti-money laundering protocols.